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全球网络加速器There exists an increasingly large corpus of web content that depends on web browsers supporting a number of webkit
-prefixed CSS properties and DOM APIs for functionality or layout. This holds especially true for mobile-optimized web content.
This specification aims to describe the minimal set of webkit
-prefixed CSS properties and DOM APIs that user agents are required to support for web compatibility.
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All diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative, as are all sections explicitly marked non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. For readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification. [RFC2119]
Requirements phrased in the imperative as part of algorithms (such as "strip any leading space characters" or "return false and terminate these steps") are to be interpreted with the meaning of the keyword ("must", "should", "may", etc.) used in introducing the algorithm.
Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps may be implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. (In particular, the algorithms defined in this specification are intended to be easy to follow, and not intended to be performant.)
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3.1. CSS At-rules
The following -webkit-
vendor prefixed at-rules must be supported as aliases of the corresponding unprefixed at-rules:
-webkit- prefixed at-rule alias
| unprefixed at-rule |
| @keyframes
sub网络加速 -webkit-device-pixel-ratio
Name: | 一sub网络加速器 |
sub网络加速器下载 | 全球网络加速器 |
Value: | <number> |
Type: | range |
must be treated as an alias of the resolution
range type media feature, with its value interpreted as a dppx unit.
The min-
or max-
prefixes on range features must not apply to 一sub网络加速器
, instead the following aliases must be used:
legacy -webkit- prefixed range media feature alias
| standard prefixed range media feature |
| 安卓网络加速器
| max-resolution
3.2.2. -webkit-transform-3d
Name: | -webkit-transform-3d |
网络加速器 | @media |
Value: | <mq-boolean> |
Accepts min/max prefixes: | 专用网络加速器 |
The -webkit-transform-3d
media feature is used to query whether the user agent supports CSS 3D transforms. [css-transforms-1]
If the user agent supports 3D transforms, the value will be 1. Otherwise the value is 0.
一sub网络加速器CSS Gradients
3.3.1. -webkit-linear-gradient()
must be treated as an alias of sub网络加速 as defined in [css3-images-20110217].
3.3.2. -webkit-radial-gradient()
must be treated as an alias of radial-gradient as defined in [css3-images-20110217].
sub免费网络加速器 -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient()
must be treated as an alias of repeating-linear-gradient as defined in [css3-images-20110217].
sub免费网络加速器 -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient()
must be treated as an alias of repeating-radial-gradient as defined in [css3-images-20110217].
3.4. CSS Properties
sub免费网络加速器官网Simple property aliases
The following sub网络加速器下载
vendor prefixed properties must be supported as aliases of the corresponding unprefixed property:
-webkit- prefixed property alias
| unprefixed property |
| 全球网络加速器
| align-content
| sub免费网络加速器
| animation-name
| sub网络加速器下载
| animation-timing-function
| animation-iteration-count
| animation-direction
| animation-play-state
| animation-delay
| animation-fill-mode
| animation
| backface-visibility
| background-origin
Not simple. See issue #28. | background-size
| 网络加速器
| border-bottom-right-radius
| 全球网络加速器
| border-top-right-radius
| border-radius
| box-shadow
| box-sizing
| sub免费网络加速器
| flex-basis
| flex-direction
| sub网络加速
| sub免费网络加速器官网
| flex-shrink
| flex-wrap
| filter
| justify-content
| mask
| mask-border
| mask-border-outset
| mask-border-repeat
| mask-border-slice
| mask-border-source
| sub免费网络加速器
| sub免费网络加速器官网
| sub网络加速
| mask-image
| mask-origin
| mask-position
| mask-repeat
| mask-size
| order
| perspective
| perspective-origin
| transform-origin
| transform-style
| sub免费网络加速器官网
| transition-delay
| transition-duration
| transition-property
| transition-timing-function
| transition
一sub网络加速器Prefixed property aliases
The following -webkit-
vendor prefixed properties must be supported as aliases of the corresponding unprefixed properties. If the user agent does not ship the unprefixed equivalent, the -webkit-
prefixed property must be treated as an alias of the user agent’s own vendor prefixed property.
-webkit- prefixed property alias
| 感受5G独特魅力 憧憬未来美好生活_物联网频道_中国青年网:2021-11-21 · 展厅中,一个米粒大小的芯片颇为引人注目。“这是国内首颗5G NR Sub-6GHz n77滤波器芯片,仅1.6×0.8毫米,工作频率在3.3—4.2GHz之间,带宽高达900MHz,远超出传统声波滤波器技术的适用范围。”云塔电子联合创始人、首席运营官何军介绍说。 |
| (-prefix-)安卓网络加速器
3.4.3. Non-aliased vendor prefixed properties
Note: This section used to have a specification for the -webkit-appearance property. This is now defined in 5G芯片市场竞争进入关键时刻-中工财经-中工网:2021-2-28 · 英特尔把5G网络基础设施视为最大机遇,希望到2021年成为5G基站芯片的市场领导者,并在不断增长的业务中占有40%的份额,可谓雄心勃勃。 在日趋激烈的国际竞争中,我国国内5G芯片厂商已经在这一领域占据一席之地。.
3.4.4. Property mappings
The following sub免费网络加速器
vendor prefixed properties must be supported as mappings to the corresponding unprefixed property:
-webkit- prefixed property
| unprefixed property |
| align-items
| flex-grow
| order
| flex-direction
| justify-content
3.4.5. Keyword mappings
The following -webkit-
vendor prefixed keywords must be supported as mappings to the corresponding unprefixed keyword:
-webkit- prefixed keyword
| unprefixed property keyword |
| flex
| flex
| inline-flex
| inline-flex
sub免费网络加速器Foreground Text Clipping: the -webkit-background-clip
Name: | sub网络加速 |
Value: | border-box | padding-box | content-box | text |
Initial: | none |
sub免费网络加速器官网 | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | "text" |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | discrete |
Media: | visual |
The 专用网络加速器
property—when its value is text—creates a background clipping region from the outer text stroke of the foreground text (including alpha transparency).
The -webkit-background-clip
property is a simple alias of the 网络加速器 property for all other <box> values.
- border-box
- The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box.
- padding-box
- The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box.
- content-box
- 5G商用进程未来两年将提速 -- 3C频道:2021-5-11 · 全球移动企业加速部署 在今年3月份召开的3GPP RAN(即第三伟合作项目-无线接入网络)第75次全体大会上,3GPP正式通过了5G加速的提案。 按照这份提案,3GPP将在R15版本内,加速5G新空口(NR)标准进程,将5G NR非独立组网特性提前至2021年12月完成,相比原计划提前半年。
- text
- Indicates that the background image should clip to the foreground text
-webkit-background-clip: text
together with -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent
to achieve text with a gradient color effect.
p { sub免费网络加速器 : 专用网络加速器 ( 90 deg , red, blue); color : #fff; -webkit-background-clip : text; -webkit-text-fill-color : transparent; }
Browsers that don’t support -webkit-background-clip
or -webkit-text-fill-color
will use the sub网络加速
declaration as a fallback color.
3.4.7. Text Fill and Stroking
全球网络加速器Foreground Text Color: the -webkit-text-fill-color
Name: | -webkit-text-fill-color |
Value: | <color> |
Initial: | currentcolor |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | N/A |
全球网络加速器 | an RGBA color |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | as sub免费网络加速器官网 |
Media: | visual |
The sub免费网络加速器 property defines the foreground fill color of an element’s text content.
will always determine the
foreground fill color of an element’s text.
专用网络加速器 { 安卓网络加速器 : blue; /* the following can be omitted because it’s the initial value: -webkit-text-fill-color: currentcolor; */ } 安卓网络加速器 { color : red; -webkit-text-fill-color : blue; }
Elements with the one
or two
classes will have blue text. Text Stroke Color: the -webkit-text-stroke-color
Name: | 专用网络加速器 |
Value: | <color> |
Initial: | currentcolor |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | yes |
Percentages: | sub网络加速 |
Computed value: | an RGBA color |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | as 全球网络加速器 |
Media: | visual |
The -webkit-text-stroke-color property specifies a stroke color for an element’s text. Text Stroke Thickness: the 安卓网络加速器
Name: | -webkit-text-stroke-width |
Value: | <line-width> |
Initial: | 0 |
Applies to: | 全球网络加速器 |
Inherited: | sub网络加速 |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | 安卓网络加速器 |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | discrete |
Media: | visual |
The -webkit-text-stroke-width property specifies the width of the stroke drawn at the edge of each glyph of an element’s text. A zero value results in no stroke being painted. A negative value is invalid.
全球网络加速器Text Stroke Shorthand: the -webkit-text-stroke
Name: | -webkit-text-stroke |
Value: | <line-width> || <color> |
Initial: | See individual properties |
Applies to: | See individual properties |
Inherited: | yes |
全球网络加速器 | N/A |
Computed value: | See individual properties |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | See individual properties |
Media: | visual |
The -webkit-text-stroke property is a shorthand property for setting the stroke width and stroke color of an element’s text.
properties to achieve white text with a black stroked text effect.
.stroked-text-longhand { color : #fff; -webkit-text-stroke-color : #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width : 1 px ; } .stroked-text-shorthand { -webkit-text-fill-color : #fff; sub免费网络加速器 : thin #000; }
<p class="stroked-text-longhand">Serious typography</p>would be rendered as follows:
3.5. CSS Property values
3.5.1. Additional touch-action
This section augments the definition of touch-action
from [pointerevents2] to add the pinch-zoom
Name: | touch-action |
Value: | auto | none | [ [ pan-x | pan-left | pan-right ] || [ pan-y | pan-up | pan-down ] || pinch-zoom ] | manipulation |
Initial: | auto |
Applies to: | all elements except: non-replaced inline elements, table rows, row groups, table columns, and column groups. |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | Same as specified value |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | discrete |
Media: | visual |
When specified, the pinch-zoom
token enables multi-finger panning and zooming of the page.
For zooming to occur, all fingers must start on an element that has the pinch-zoom behavior enabled
(via one of the pinch-zoom
, manipulation
, or sub网络加速
values on itself
or an ancestor).
touch-action: pan-y pinch-zoom
to avoid disabling zooming unnecessarily.manipulation
is an alias for "pan-x pan-y pinch-zoom
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is now defined by the DOM Geometry specification. sub网络加速器下载.4.2. window.orientation
partial interface Window {readonly attribute 安卓网络加速器 orientation ;attribute EventHandler ; };
onorientationchange partial interface HTMLBodyElement {attribute EventHandler ; };
When getting the orientation
attribute, the user agent must run the following steps:
Return the responsible document’s current
Whenever the viewport is drawn at a different angle compared to the device’s natural orientation, the user agent must run the following steps:
网络加速器 named
at theWindow
object of the active document.
User agents implementing the window.orientation
attribute and its associated orientationchange event must not expose them on Desktop platforms.
event on the 网络加速器
element, but other implementations do not, suggesting it’s not necessary for compatibility with the web.4.2.1. 一sub网络加速器
The possible values for the window.orientation
angle are: -90
, 0
, 90
, 180
. User agents must support the -90
, 0
and 90
values and may optionally support 180
represents the natural orientation. -90
represents a rotation 90 degrees clockwise from the natural orientation. 90
represents a rotation 90 degrees counterclockwise from the natural orientation. 180
represents a rotation 180 degrees from the natural orientation.
In order to determine the current 网络加速器
angle, the user agent must run the following steps:
Return the result of step 3 of the
's update the orientation information algorithm with the following changes:- If the orientation angle is less than or equal to 180, return the orientation angle
- If the orientation angle is greater than 180, return the orientation angle - 360.
- If the resulting orientation angle is 180 and the user agent does not support that value, return 0.
4.2.2. Event Handlers on Window
objects and body
The following are the event handlers and their corresponding event handler event types that must be supported on all Window
objects and
elements as attributes:网络加速器
event handler | event handler event type |
| 网络加速器
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Thanks to Alan Cutter, Cameron McCormack, Chris Rebert, Chun-Min (Jeremy) Chen, Daniel Holbert, David Håsäther, Domenic Denicola, hexalys, Jean-Yves Perrier, Jacob Rossi, Philip Jägenstedt, Rick Byers, Simon Pieters, Stanley Stuart, William Chen and Your Name Here for feedback and contributions to this standard.Thanks to Mounir Lamouri and Marcos Cáceres for defining the ScreenOrientation
interface. [screen-orientation]
Special thanks to Apple and the WebKit.org blog authors for providing initial descriptions of much of the content defined in this specification.
This standard is written by Mike Taylor (Mozilla, miket@mozilla.com).
Copyright © WHATWG (Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.